Friday, September 26, 2008

Here's Why Obama Won

The general consensus seems to be that Obama won this first debate and I agree, but I take issue with those who were disappointed in him anyway because he didn't get angry and let McCain have it. Let's face it; the people Obama had to win over tonight were the undecided voters - read latent racists - who are looking for a reason to hate Obama so they can vote against him. He didn't give it to them. All they needed to get was one whiff of an angry black man berating a decorated war hero and they would head for the hills. Instead, they saw a respectful, intelligent, clear headed young man debating a rather fuzzy minded old guy who kept talking about the past. Never once did Obama smirk, or assail McCain's understanding of the issues. He simply blew him off the stage with reasoned analysis. That's why the CBS poll shows 47% of the responders replying that their opinion of Obama improved. The swing voters are swinging -- toward Obama.

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