Wednesday, September 24, 2008

McCain isn't suspending the campaign, he's running scared

Let's face it, McCain knows he's going to be creamed if he shows up for the debate. His entire career has been about deregulation, and deregulation is what got us into this mess. He looks fragile and tired and freaked out - that's no way to take on a debate, and he knows it. But running away from it is an even worse choice. He knows, and we know, that his lead in Virginia, a state he thought was safe, is down to a fragile thread. Is refusing to debate going to win them back? I seriously doubt it. So who's he going to leave to answer the questions? Sarah Palin? Check out Katie Couric's interview if you think she's up to the task.

From what I understand, Obama contacted McCain's offices first with an offer to put out a joint statement. McCain gave them the "we'll get back to you later" line and then put out his own announcement. It's fraudulent to suggest he's making this move because he feels he can make a valuable confrontation to the resolution of the financial crisis. As ever before, this is a political, disingenuous move.

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